102 Articles Found

Thoughts on the 2019 Nissan Leaf

AEVA Member Dave Southgate offers some observations and reflections on the new Nissan Leaf. Dave is a long time Nissan Leaf owner who swapped over from the Gen 1 to the Gen 2 Leaf in August 2019.

AEVA at Agfest in the Cloud

Agfest has moved to the cloud, and AEVA Tas is there! We'll be giving online presentations during May.

Electric vehicles: the policies - and the politics

This is Part 1 in a series of six articles which will recount the author's personal experience during the past six years in engaging with policies to encourage the uptake of EVs in Australia. This first part deals largely with the Low Emission Vehicle Strategy of the ACT Government, released in 2014.

[firstname] [lastname] Test from Mark Roberts

  Hello [firstname], Welcome to the AEVA newsletter of upcoming events, articles, jobs and more from our membership. Events for Apr 21, 2020 to May 21, 2020   WA Branch Meeting The WA branch of the AEVA meet every second Tuesday of the month.  We host the meetings at one of two locations - Curtin University Physical Sciences Building, Bentley, or the University of Western Australia Electrical Engineering Building.   Meeting times are 7pm but it is advised to get there around 6:30pm as both venues have locked doors/lifts Contact Ant Day (0416345575) or Chris … [More Info]   AEVA Tas Meeting General meeting of the AEVA Tas branch.We discuss everything that we've done for the past two months, plus plan for upcoming events. [More Info] Australia | | Having trouble viewing this newsletter? View the web version here. Want to …

EV greenhouse emissions declining with greening of the grid

Now into its third iteration, this analysis is done 5-yearly. It was first developed in 2012 and published in edition 120 of ReNew magazine. (July-Sept 2012). Most recent version using the 2021 National Greenhouse Emissions Factors tables came out in ReNew edition 159. (Apr-Jun 2022).

Sourcing ethical cobalt: EV manufacturers begin work to stop child and environmental exploitation

Cobalt's dirty secret, and how manufacturers are trying to clean up their act. First published on, November 22nd 2019.

COVID-19 and AEVA Meetings

  Dear AEVA members and friends, In light of recent developments with respect to the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent public health crisis, please note the following: AEVA is advising all branches to cancel any ‘physical member meetings’ they have planned for the remainder of March and April. Consideration should be given to conducting ‘member meetings’ via video link as is already done in some states. The health and safety of our members is of paramount importance and all Branch Chair’s should ensure the AEVA in their region is following government guidelines. As you know the situation is moving rapidly and we are monitoring this situation closely and will communicate any changes to this decision with you as new information arises. If you have any questions, please contact one of the executive, or use the contact form on this site. Cheers Chris …