Press Release - Australian Electric Vehicle Association Brings 2022 Electric Vehicle Conference and Exhibition to Canberra
The 2022 AEVA Conference and Exhibition will be held at Exhibition Park in Canberra from Friday 5 August.
The 2022 AEVA Conference and Exhibition will be held at Exhibition Park in Canberra from Friday 5 August.
Hello [firstname], As part of the Nullabor Charging gap project, please come for the send-off on Sunday 9th January, and consider whether you would like to join the convoy to Caiguna arriving there 15/16 January. All are welcome! Temporary DC chargers will be installed in Southern Cross and Norseman, and permanent ones at Balladonia or Fraser Ranges and Madura Oasis. On Sunday 9/1/22 the BiØfil destined for Caiguna (plus the plug-in DC chargers for locations on the way) will be sent-off with a 72 EV salute. This is the number of carparking spots at @Jon8 Electrons Green Theme’s workshop at 103, Garling Street, O'Connor. 10:00 to 11:00 with a coffee van on the street (hopefully no room in the parking spots). Jon's workshop with all his charging assets will be open for inspection. On 15/1/22 and 16/1/22 …
Hello [firstname], As part of the Nullabor Charging gap project, please come for the send-off on Sunday 9th January, and consider whether you would like to join the convoy to Caiguna arriving there 15/16 January. All are welcome! Temporary DC chargers will be installed in Southern Cross and Norseman, and permanent ones at Balladonia or Fraser Ranges and Madura Oasis. On Sunday 9/1/22 the BiØfil destined for Caiguna (plus the plug-in DC chargers for locations on the way) will be sent-off with a 72 EV salute. This is the number of carparking spots at @Jon8 Electrons Green Theme’s workshop at 103, Garling Street, O'Connor. 10:00 to 11:00 with a coffee van on the street (hopefully no room in the parking spots). Jon's workshop with all his charging assets will be open for inspection. On 15/1/22 and 16/1/22 …
At the AEVA ACT meeting on 18 October 2021, a panel discussed their experiences with five plug-in hybrids: A Hyundai Ioniq PHEV, a Holden Volt, a Mitsubishi Outlander, a BMW 330e and a Prius Prime.
Theme: The future is clear - EVs are here! Videos are now available for free via Youtube.
Dear [firstname], Firstly, sorry about the short notice, but we'll be holding a fairly casual meeting at the Curtin University Physical Sciences building (building 301) tomorrow night (Tuesday the 14th of September) from 6 pm. Several of us on the committee have been busy, elsewhere, or otherwise unable to plan our monthly meeting, so we're very sorry about that! Also, there is a national branch chair's meeting using Zoom at the same time as our meeting, so the Zoom simulcast won't be operational as per usual. That said, Curtin University doesn't have the same audiovisual package that UWA's Billings room does, so it wouldn't be as nice anyway. So, we'd like to get the formalities normally covered at a meeting in this newsletter, and save the best part for the meetup; hanging around, drinking tea and shooting the breeze about …
To save boot space in a Kona EV there have been a few solutions proposed to fit a 'temporary use' spare tyre to your Kona EV or other models, as many EVs do not come with a spare tyre. Please read the full article below that includes photos of what you will need to complete the process.
Rivian R1T Truck Equipped With A Kitchen The perfect adventure truck even comes with its own built-in kitchen! Electric of course!