3 Articles Found

Fringe Benefits Tax and EVs - All you need to know

Fringe Benefits Tax and EVs - All you need to know

From 1 July 2022, employers do not need to pay fringe benefits tax (FBT) on eligible electric cars and associated car expenses. Unlike other FBT exemptions, employers still need to determine the taxable value of the exempt car benefits to include it in their employee’s reportable fringe benefits amount (RFBA). Employers must report the RFBA on their employee’s income statement or payment summary. Employees should speak to their registered tax agent for advice on the consequences of having a reportable fringe benefits amount.

EVNews 240 now out!

EVNews 240 now out!

64 page bumper 'iso' edition of EVNews now released. Includes: Update on the Australian and World markets New EV model news; How to maximise the DC advantage when EV traveling; The possible futures for DC charging; Member conversion reports .... and MUCH more! Go to Resources/EVNews newsletter to download your copy today!