19 Articles Found

EVNews 240 now out!

EVNews 240 now out!

64 page bumper 'iso' edition of EVNews now released. Includes: Update on the Australian and World markets New EV model news; How to maximise the DC advantage when EV traveling; The possible futures for DC charging; Member conversion reports .... and MUCH more! Go to Resources/EVNews newsletter to download your copy today!

Planning for EVs in New Developments

Are new residential and commercial developments planning for EVs? In most cases, the answer is no!

Tasmanian fast charging network rapidly expanding

Tasmanian fast charging network rapidly expanding

Just five years ago, a visit by a Tesla-driving motoring journalist to Tasmania ended in failure, after the lack of fast chargers cut the trip short. Today, the situation has certainly improved for the better. Check out where and when you'll be able to tour Tassie in your EV!

COVID-19 and AEVA Meetings

  Dear AEVA members and friends, In light of recent developments with respect to the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent public health crisis, please note the following: AEVA is advising all branches to cancel any ‘physical member meetings’ they have planned for the remainder of March and April. Consideration should be given to conducting ‘member meetings’ via video link as is already done in some states. The health and safety of our members is of paramount importance and all Branch Chair’s should ensure the AEVA in their region is following government guidelines. As you know the situation is moving rapidly and we are monitoring this situation closely and will communicate any changes to this decision with you as new information arises. If you have any questions, please contact one of the executive, or use the contact form on this site. Cheers Chris …