How efficient is an electric vehicle?  How efficiently can you drive yours?  Test your skills against other EV drivers in the AEVA's first national EV efficiency challenge.

Contestants start their journey at the EEE Expo on the waterfront in Hobart.  From here you can see your destination - the top of kunanyi / Mt Wellington!  Starting out with a full charge, your challenge is to drive to the top of the mountain, then return to the expo having consumed the least amount of energy possible. 

Participants will need to register, agree to the terms & conditions and pay the registration fee.  Register for either Saturday or Sunday, and you will be given an approximate start time.  Competitors leave sequentially throughout the day, and the return trip should take about an hour.

Once you return, we'll charge your car back to 100% and record the energy taken.  Your results will be entered into the leaderboard for everyone to see!



The Rules

  • Open to any 4-wheeled passenger vehicle (minimum 2 seats) that uses an electric motor for propulsion, with that electricity stored but not generated by the vehicle. This excludes bikes, solar powered vehicles and mild hybrids.
  • Plug-in hybrid vehicles may enter, but must not use fuel (petrol, hydrogen) during the event. This will need to be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the scrutineers.
  • Vehicles must be in roadworthy condition and must be covered by comprehensive motor vehicle insurance.
  • Vehicles are not required to belong to the competitor, for instance they may be hired.
  • Competitors may take passengers in the vehicle during the competition.
  • Competitors agree to obey the instructions of event marshals.
  • The start point is at Princes Wharf 1, Castray Esplanade, Hobart.
  • Competitors’ vehicles must arrive at the start point as charged as is practical (greater than 95%).
  • Once at the start point, the vehicle will be charged to 100% battery capacity by the event organisers.
  • Competitors will allow their vehicles to be inspected by a scrutineer before and after the competition.
  • Once the battery is charged and the inspection is passed, competitors will drive their vehicles to the checkpoint in the car park at the top of kunanyi / Mt Wellington where they will receive a token to return to the scrutineers.
  • The vehicle must be self-powered for the entire journey, for instance it must not be towed or carried at any stage.
  • This competition is conducted on public roads. Competitors must obey all road rules and must not unduly affect the flow of traffic.
  • Competitors may choose their own route to the checkpoint.
  • No charging is allowed on the journey.
  • Once the checkpoint has been reached, competitors will drive back to the start point where their vehicles will be inspected and charged.


Prizes will be given for:

  • Overall winner (least energy used, as determined by the chargers)
  • Handicap winner (best efficiency compared to WLTP rating) 

To Enter

Read the rules, then choose a day to enter (check what else is on those days) and click the link below.  We have pricing for AEVA members and non-members.  Spaces are limited, so register early!

Saturday 2nd November Entry
Sunday 3rd November Entry


When should I arrive?
When you register you choose a day (Saturday or Sunday).  You will be issued an arrival time before the event, between 9am 3pm .  This is an approximate time, arrive then and you'll join a queue.

I'm registered for the AEVA workshops, or I'm an exhibitor at the Expo - can I fit this in?
We have a limited number of spaces for people to leave at 8am each day.  This should get you back in time for the 10am start of the workshops and the Expo.  To do this you'll need to leave your vehicle in the venue overnight from the day before.  We'll have it on charge overnight and you'll be ready to go first thing in the morning.  This should get you back in the venue by 9:30.  You may need to nominate someone to look after your car while charging, if this is going to go past 10am.  
If this appeals to you, let us know in the comments section when you register, or contact us (see below).

I chose the wrong day, or I need to cancel
The email that you received after registering includes a "Cancel" option.  Please do cancel if you can't come, as spaces are limited and that will open up your place for someone else.

What result did I get?
All results will be entered into the table displayed on this page.  So keep this open on your phone, and refresh the page periodically.  We'll also have screens at the venue to display the results.

I have a question, or need to change the details I used to register
You can contact Christopher Walkden.  Preferably well in advance, as he's going to be busy!
0417 587 935

What else is on?

Click here for an overview of other AEVA events in Hobart in November.