Job Information

  • Description:

    The WA branch is looking for a new branch secretary. The role involves attending and organising monthly branch meetings, convening regularly (electronically or in person) with the branch chair and treasurer, as well as other WA branch committee roles. 

  • Level: Volunteer
  • Period: 12 months
  • Position Reports To: Ant Day, Chris Jones
  • Location: Perth
  • Starts On: Aug. 28, 2024, 5:06 p.m.
  • Salary: 0 to 0

Job Requirements

  • Experience:

    No experience needed, but certainly helps. Anyone with a history of working with volunteer organisations will fit in well.

  • Skills:

    Must be friendly, congenial, and have a keen interest in the success of the AEVA as a source of community knowledge and experience. Able to attend meetings in person on weeknights, and take minutes of any decisions made at the meeting. Must be willing to foster a network of interesting contacts who may be guest presenters at meetings, or to arrange meetings with local, state and federal government officers.

  • Computer Skills:

    Must be proficient with email and the AEVA website (Tendenci platform) for sending regular electronic mailings and updates. Must be confident with setting up meetings on Zoom or any other platform allowing remote meetings.
    Desirable - competent with MS Word, Excel and other word processing software.

  • Education Required:

    No formal education required, but a solid grasp of professional English conversation is desirable.

Contact Information

  • Contact Method:

    Please email Ant: or Chris: for more information. The WA branch AGM will be held on Tuesday 10th September where the new secretary will be voted in.