Volunteering at the EEE Expo


The AEVA Tasmanian Branch is running a number of events in November 2024, and we'll need volunteers to help!
Fill in this form to let us know that you can volunteer.  It doesn't have to be for a long time, put your times in the comments section.

Put up Posters

In businesses, on public notice boards etc., anywhere around the state!  Let me know and I'll send you some posters.

Glen George Trophy - Judge

Saturday 2nd November
The Glen George Trophy recognises people who have driven a significant distance to the Expo in an EV.  The destination this year is Hobart, and The Rules state that the competition is judged by the host state.

The GGT Judge will be given a list of the entrants, and will need to choose a winner.  They may need to make decisions on if an entrant has complied with the rules, which could involve interviewing the entrants.  The GGT Judge can consult with others, but will be the one to make the final decision.

The Glen George Trophy is announced at the AGM at 4:30 pm November 2nd.

Zoom Technician

Saturday 2nd November
The workshops and AGM on Saturday will be inviting people to attend via Zoom.  We need someone to be in attendance to help the presenters in the room and online.

kunanyi Challenge Marshal

Saturday 2nd & Sunday 3rd November
Marshals will help competitors move their vehicle to the correct positions within the EEE Expo building (PW1).  We'll have a roster for the different areas over the two days of the event.  Many marshals make light work!  You can be a competitor and a marshal, although not at the same time. :)

kunanyi Challenge Scrutineer

Saturday 2nd & Sunday 3rd November
Scrutineers are the officials who check competitors' vehicles before and after they compete in the Challenge.  Based in the EEE Expo building (PW1), you will run through a checklist of items to inspect on each car.  A scrutineer cannot compete in the Challenge.

AEVA Booth

Saturday 2nd & Sunday 3rd November
Hang out at the AEVA booth at the EEE Expo.  Answer people's questions, direct people in the right direction, chat to everyone and sundry.  We might set up a roster of 2-hour shifts.


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