Perth Electrikhana 2025

March 15, 2025

Canning River Eco Education Centre
Kent St and Queens Park Road
Cannington, WA 6107

Event has ended


The Perth Electrikhana is on again at the Canning River Eco-Education Centre (CREEC) Kent Street Weir, Cannington. 

Since 2010, the WA branch of AEVA has hosted Electrikhana - an all-day expo of electric vehicles along with presentations and workshops on how they work, how to charge them, and why electrification of transport is the only pathway to zero emissions. Back when EVs were hard to find, Electrikhana was the only way for the public to test-drive an EV and experience the Grin - the silly smile you get as you accelerate quietly, and briskly. Now that EVs are sold by most dealerships our focus is less about test-driving and more about understanding EVs, how to get the most out of them, and helping the public get comfortable with the switch to electric.

Register now for this free event - Click the RSVP button and leave your details. We're also looking for volunteers to help keep time and facilitate presentations and workshops, as well as setting up and packing down.

This year we will selection of electric cars, caravans, motorcycles, e-bikes and scooters on display. We will be running our "All About EVs" workshops in the CREEC visitor centre, covering a wide range of topics ranging from what models are available, buying used EVs, economics and impacts of EV policy and the social, health and environmental benefits of electric transport.

Vehicles will on display out the front as you enter the building.

Presentations and Workshops (updated regularly)

Time Presentation topic Speaker(s)
10:00 am Welcome to Electrikhana and the AEVA Chris Jones (AEVA)
10:15 am What new and used EVs are on the market today? Ant Day (AEVA)
10:45 am Electrekking - Caravanning around Australia in an EV Tim and Renee McLennan
11:15 am Electrifying the big stuff - heavy haulage with EVs Clayton Franklin (EPCA)
11:45 am EV Myths that Refuse to Die

Chris Johnson, Ant Day (AEVA)
12:00 pm Lunch break - check out the EVs on display!  
1:00 pm DIY EV Conversions and EV repairs Malcolm Reeson, Brendon McCarrol (AEVA)
1:30 pm Running on Sunshine: Charge your EV from solar! Andrew Mangano(AEVA)
1:45 pm Treating Range Anxiety Craig Sims (AEVA)
2:00 pm The Cost of Not Electrifying Transport Ben Rose (AEVA)
2:15 pm Two Wheels Good: Ebikes, E-motos and Scooters Chris Jones, others.
2:30 pm Electrify Your Home!  Paula and Peter Samson (Melville City Climate Action Network) 
3:00 pm What Plug Goes Where: How to charge your EV at home and on the road? Rob Dean (TOCWA, AEVA)Q&A
3:30 pm Close  

See you at Electrikhana!


AEVA, Western Australia Branch

Date and Time

Sat, March 15, 2025

10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
(GMT+0800) Australia/Perth


Canning River Eco Education Centre

Kent St and Queens Park Road
Cannington, WA 6107

The Canning River Eco Education Centre is located in the Queens Park reserve, off Kent Street, Cannington.

Event has ended


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Canning River Eco Education Centre

Kent St and Queens Park Road
Cannington, WA 6107