Jan. 25, 2023

Paranaple, Devonport (and on Zoom)
137 Rooke St
Devonport, Tas 7310

Event has ended



Simon Hackett was our guest speaker this meeting.  Simon spoke about his EV journey and the renewable energy generation system at The Vale, his farm near Sheffiled (www.thevale.com.au).  His EV journey started in the mid 1990’s driving a GM EV I in California, and included becoming Tesla’s first customer in Australia in the mid 2000’s.  The energy system at The Vale includes a 210kW solar system and a 280kWh Redflow ZBM battery storage array.  It is used to power farm operations and various vehicles including an electric self-launch sailplane.
Simon also gave a tour of his renewable energy infrastructure and vehicles at The Vale.  See some photos here.


Meeting:  7:00pm at the Paranaple, 145 Rooke St., Devonport (includes talk by Simon)
Follow this link for the meeting agenda.
Follow this link for the meeting minutes.
Follow this link for Simon's presentation slides.


A recording was made of the Zoom call for this meeting.  Watch it in the player below, or click this link to watch on Youtube.
Simon's presentation starts at 32:44.


Date and Time

Wed, Jan. 25, 2023

3 p.m. - 9 p.m.
(GMT+1100) Australia/Hobart


Paranaple, Devonport (and on Zoom)

137 Rooke St
Devonport, Tas 7310

Quoiba Room, Level 1The Paranaple will be closed at the time of the meeting.  Go to the small door to the right of the main turnstile, which we can open from the inside.  If there is nobody there to open the door, look for a sign with a phone number …

Quoiba Room, Level 1
The Paranaple will be closed at the time of the meeting.  Go to the small door to the right of the main turnstile, which we can open from the inside.  If there is nobody there to open the door, look for a sign with a phone number to call.

There is an EHT charger (DC and AC) in the car park next door to the venue.

For those who wish to join via Zoom:


Meeting ID: 880 1202 3526 
Passcode: 104043


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Event has ended


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Paranaple, Devonport (and on Zoom)

137 Rooke St
Devonport, Tas 7310