Sunday, March 23 2025

10 AM - 3 PM
Sunday, Mar 23, 2025 10 a.m.
Supported Event

There's something for everyone at the annual Devonport Motor Show, with cars, bikes, food, entertainment, all in the beautiful waterside grounds at the Northern end of Victoria Parade

AEVA puts on a display each year, so come along and have a chat with our members.  It's a lovely day in the park.

If you'd like to display your vehicle, please register via the DMS Website.  The form asks if you're coming with a group, make sure you select AEVA and we'll all be put together.  It's free if you register, or if you don't register you can still come but there is an entry fee.
Or just come along for a social day out!  If you'd like more details please contact Christopher:

10 AM - 4 PM
Sunday, Mar 23, 2025 10 a.m.
Supported Event