Monday, November 29 2021

6 PM - 8 PM
Monday, Nov 29, 2021 6 p.m.
Social Activity


The Branch is holding an end-of-year social gathering at a picnic site in Weston Park.

We meet at 6pm at Pontoon Place (second on the right after entering Weston Park) overlooking the Lake at Tarcoola Reach. 

Watch out for the AEVA marquee on the grass below the parking area.

** The BBQ was checked on 28 November and is in working order **





8:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Monday, Nov 29, 2021 8:30 p.m.
Branch Meeting

The AEVA's 48th annual general meeting will be held online via Zoom on Monday the 29th of November at 8.30 pm AEDST.

A zoom link will be emailed to all financial members shortly, and a reminder will be sent the day before.

This will be an important AGM as we will be ratifying the new constitution for the AEVA's new structure, from an incorporated Association to a Company Limited by Guarantee. Our name will remain the same - AEVA Ltd instead of AEVA Inc.  A draft of the constitution can be found here:

As per usual with our AGM, we will be calling for nominations for the roles of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.  Once the new structure is in place, we'll effectively be doing it all again, so this could be a great way to dip your toes in the governance of our half-century old organisation.

Please ensure your membership is up to date, and we'll see you (electronically) on the 29th!


Chris, Chris, Michael and Clive.