May 10, 2025

Eastern Innovation
5a Hartnett Cl
Mulgrave, Victoria 3170



An interactive, practical workshop for people new to the world of Electric Vehicles (EVs).

You may be wondering what the EV craze is all about. You may have seen your friends or family making the switch and enjoying the benefits of electric, and are now looking at purchasing too. Perhaps you have a new electric vehicle and want to get some real-world tips from fellow users. This workshop provides a basic introduction to owning, driving and charging a passenger EV.

Topics include:

  • EV driving experience
  • All charged up and local driving
  • Long distance driving with an EV
  • Charging apps and route planning
  • Charging – a practical exercise in the carpark

The presenter has many years of experience with EVs and will tailor the presentation to suit your needs. AEVA volunteers are without vested or commercial interest, so you can trust this is not a sales session!

There will be plenty of opportunity to chat with other curious attendees and have your questions answered.


Pen and paper for note taking
A positive, open and curious mindset
Light refreshments will be provided.


Please click "RSVP Now" and fill in the details to register

Registration is essential for planning purposes, thanks.

Featured Speakers

Speaker Richard Laxton
Richard Laxton is the Vic Branch Technical Advisor. He is an IT professional and lifetime car enthusiast with a passion for electrification of ground transport. An EV owner for the last 5 years, he recently shifted to EV-related consulting full time. This has given him massive exposure to the extended …

Richard Laxton is the Vic Branch Technical Advisor.

He is an IT professional and lifetime car enthusiast with a passion for electrification of ground transport. An EV owner for the last 5 years, he recently shifted to EV-related consulting full time. This has given him massive exposure to the extended EV industry, unique data, and opportunities to help businesses and individuals who are looking to decarbonise their transport.

A dedicated road tripper, having completed his first EV lap of Australia at the end of 2023, and a single-day EV driving record of over 1800km, he has a unique perspective around public charging infrastructure.

In his spare time, Richard enjoys going on “charger crawls” to check out and test all the infrastructure in an area.


Full Description

Date and Time

Sat, May 10, 2025

10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
(GMT+1100) Australia/Melbourne


Eastern Innovation

5a Hartnett Cl
Mulgrave, Victoria 3170


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Eastern Innovation

5a Hartnett Cl
Mulgrave, Victoria 3170