EV & Hybrid Network

The EV & Hybrid Network was created by one of the Automotive Industry's leaders, Jeff Smit.

As a qualified auto electrician & mechanic, who owns both EVs and Hybrids, he has unique expertise which he applies to his own independent workshop.  In 2007 Jeff founded The Automotive Technician ( TaT as it is known ) which is a unique, web-based diagnostics help platform, with 5,000 participating workshop members. Jeff was recently inducted into the Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association Hall of Fame for his service to the industry.

Jeff, with other TaT experts recently travelled to the USA for EV and specifically Tesla Technical Training.  TaT is currently developing Service Schedules, from Manufacturer systems, which reflect Australian conditions … Once an EV is out of the warranty period, it has been discovered that numerous aspects need to be considered, to ensure vehicle longevity in our environment

The EV & Hybrid Network of Certified Workshops was specifically created from TaT members, who wanted to evolve their business offering to include EV & Hybrid vehicles. It was felt that this was the most suitable model, as this ensured Technical Expertise back-up, combined with true enthusiasm for this emerging market

Visit www.evhybridnetwork.com.au for more information.

Ph: 1300 828 000 (Australia) +61 2 9907 1332 (New Zealand)
Fax: 1300 828 100 (Australia) + 61 2 9907 1356 (New Zealand)

Head office email: info@tat.net.au

The offerings and opinions expressed in this organisation's directory listing are those of the company and not the AEVA