Registered vehicles

According to reports from Access Canberra from January 2020, there were 446 battery electric vehicles registered in the ACT. At the time, these represented one vehicle in every 686 registered.

As of 15 July 2024, this number has risen to 8,728.

The following chart and table gives a breakdown of the different motive power types for all vehicles registered in the ACT. The chart does not plot hydrogen fuell cell vehicles as they represent less than 0.01% of the fleet. Note: this chart is only updated periodically.

Petrol 243,312
Diesel 67,433
Hybrid (non-rechargable) 11,724
Battery electric 8,728
LPG or CNG 1,161
Plug-in hybrid 1,549
Other 97
Hydrogen fuel cell 22
Total 334,026

ACT Government Dashboard

The ACT Government maintains the following ZEV dashboard. It is updated regularly.

ACT Government car fleet

Under the ACT Government's Action Plan for Transition to Zero Emission Vehicles, all newly leased ACT Government passenger fleet vehicles will be zero emission vehicles from the financial year 2020/21, where fit for purpose.

The ACT Government advised that its car fleet has about 600 passenger vehicles that are suitable for replacement with zero emission vehicles.

As of 25 November 2021 the fleet had 174 zero emission vehicles (76 battery EVs, 78 plug-in hybrid EVs, and 20 fuel cell EVs). 

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