Australian Electric Vehicle Association

The users' association



The AEVA is a volunteer-run, not-for-profit organisation dedicated to switching Australia's transport networks to electric as quickly as possible.

Formed after the oil price shocks of 1973, the AEVA is the longest continuously running EV society in the world. 

We represent all EV users and enthusiasts.



Keep the momentum strong by joining the AEVA!

Join today to get access to:

‣ Discounted or free attendance to events
‣ Access to the AEVA RFID Card
‣ Discounts from business members
‣ Diverse social events
‣ Access to AEVA Forums
‣ Access to EV racing/motorsports through affiliate membership with Motorsports Australia

And much more!




Top Stories


    AEVA RFID cards for members

    AEVA RFID cards for members

    AEVA has recently introduced its own RFID card. This means you only need one card to operate public charging stations -- the AEVA card! These are available for purchase by AEVA members Australia-wide. Your card will be posted out to you. The back of the card contains a QR code that takes you to the AEVA website. You can let others scan the QR code if you would like to introduce them to the AEVA.
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    AEVA calls on Feds to plug hole in plug-in hybrid efficiency figures

    AEVA calls on Feds to plug hole in plug-in hybrid efficiency figures

    The AEVA is concerned the New Vehicle Efficiency Standards' reliance on outdated test procedures will underestimate PHEV emissions and delay development of battery electric vehicles. Image attribution: Henrywingra.
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    NEW: Second-Hand EV summary Fact Sheet

    NEW: Second-Hand EV summary Fact Sheet

    Yes, the BEV market has matured to the point that a page listing discontinued and previous versions of current models is needed. Now, on top of the existing Summary Pages for new passenger car and light commercial vehicles (plus the two-page individual model Fact Sheets for all BEVs sold here), there is an all-new SECOND-HAND summary page listing the basic specifications and approximate second-hand prices for discontinued and superseded versions of BEV models officially brought to Australia.
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Media Releases & News

  • AEVA joins call for a broader transport decarbonisation strategy

    The AEVA joined 55 other civil societies, industry councils, unions, community and environment groups, calling on the federal government to embrace a broader decarbonisation strategy for the transport sector.

  • EV fast charging stations cracked 1000 in June

    Australians are now able to plug in at over 1000 DC fast charging sites around the country. The milestone was passed in June this year, with most sites offering over 75 kW, and up to 350 kW of peak charging power.

  • Australia legislates a New Vehicle Efficiency Standard!

    On May 17th the Australian Government passed it's New Vehicle Efficiency Standard (NVES) through both houses of parliament, making it law. From January 1st 2025, all vehicle importers must achieve a fleetwide average emissions intensity of 141 gCO2/km for passenger vehicles, and 210 gCO2/km for light commercial vehicles.