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Emissions reduction in transport sector pathways are clear - now to act!

The Sector Pathways Review paper delves into the emissions profiles of key sectors of the Australian economy, and identifies technologies and strategies to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of those sectors. The transport chapter was released last week, and it makes for sobering reading. Of the roughly 90 million tons of CO2-e identified from the transport sector, passenger and light commercial vehicles represent over half. Heavy vehicles like trucks and buses are responsible for 22 million tons, domestic aviation 6 million tons, and railways just 4 million tons.

The report acknowledged pathways to reduce these emissions, noting that light vehicles were one of the easier subsets to address, mainly through mode-shift (increased use of public transport, active transport and rail freight) and technology improvements, key of which is electrification. 

AEVA is pleased the report has identified the issues, and viable pathways to fully decarbonise transport. However what was also apparent from the report, was that government policies are manifestly inadequate, and current trajectories would see Australia miss it's 2050 emissions targets by a wide margin.

A broader, and more ambitious approach to addressing the emissions impact of transport is essential, and must be enacted as soon as possible.

A press release can be found here.