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AEVA joins call for a broader transport decarbonisation strategy

The AEVA joined 55 other civil societies, industry councils, unions, community and environment groups, calling on the federal government to embrace a broader decarbonisation strategy for the transport sector.

Recognising the urgent need to prevent catastrophic global warming, the collective lays out an essential strategy to decarbonise the transport sector; Avoid-Shift-Improve. 

Avoid creating demand for transport through better urban and regional planning, in line with the recommendations of the draft National Urban Policy paper.

Shift transport modes from predominantly private automobiles to active and public transport. Likewise, the nation's freight and logistics sector must shift from road to rail and to develop more efficient intermodal hubs.

Improve all modes through full electrification - electric cars and light commercial vehicles, heavy goods vehicles, electric passenger and freight rail, and embrace innovation in electric aviation and marine vessels.

The full statement can be found here.