AEVA Webinar: Buying a Used EV - What to look for and how to spot a bargain!

The AEVA's third webinar for 2024 covered used EVs - where are prices headed? And what should you look out for when shopping around?

Hosted by AEVA's Victorian director and Carloop founder, Riz Akhtar, the panel will discuss the current EV price war, where it leaves second hand EVs, and what the future of tyre-kicking will look like.

Guest panellists include Jaeme Ogilvie (IonDNA) Bridie Schmidt (NRMA), and a representative from Pickles Auctions (speaker TBA).

A recording of this and all past webinars can be found on our Webinars page (members only).

Date: June 27, 2024, 8 p.m. - June 27, 2024, 9 p.m.