Tas Branch Meeting & AGM


Tas Branch AGM:

The AGM will start at 7pm.  All current roles will expire except for Director.  Please consider if you'd like to take on a role!  Contact the secretary for more information.

Tas Branch Meeting:

The branch meeting will start after the AGM, perhaps about 7:30pm.  At these meetings we discuss the events and activities that the club has attended and that we're planning. Plus we'll speak about general EV news, Tasmanian chargers and national AEVA goings-on.

AGM Files:

Previous AGM Minutes
AGM Agenda
AGM Minutes

Branch  Meeting Files:

Branch Meeting Agenda


A Zoom recording was made of both meetings:



Location: Glenorchy Library
4 Terry Street
Glenorchy , Tas 7010

Date: July 24, 2024, 7 p.m. - July 24, 2024, 9 p.m.